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Development Strategy

The development strategy of International European University, Malta Campus is a strategic plan until 2031, which defines the framework of priorities for the university, its educational, and other structural units. The document is developed according to recommendations of International organizations, European Requirements for Higher Education Quality Assurance, and educational standards, in compliance with the laws of Malta, and other regulatory legal documents in the field of education and science.

The Mission of the development strategy is creating, preserving, and promoting contemporary knowledge based on internationalization and integration of education and practice due to the principles of creativity, academic integrity, and freedom from discrimination. The Vision is the establishment of the International European University’s, Malta Campus leadership in the global scientific and educational space to train skilled professionals capable of thinking creatively, adopting innovations, and becoming a part of the European community.

The development strategy is based on the following values: professional competence, transparency, honesty, and openness to all members of the community based on self-respect, academic integrity, social responsibility for the performance towards society, the synergy of scientific achievements and education, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches, partnership with all external stakeholders at the global level, horizontal leadership, accumulation of human resources, democratic management system, innovations everywhere, high corporate culture, student-centered training.

Until 2031, the International European University, Malta Campus is going to develop and integrate an industry model of systematic innovative management and engineering, interdisciplinary expertise of specialists in innovative development management according to international standards, as well as to enter the list of the best universities in Europe and worldwide. To acquire the status of a research university and enter ratings of the world’s most successful research universities until 2030, one should bring the content and forms of university operations in compliance with new challenges and requirements of society, emphasizing their qualitative characteristics.

The strategy consists of 4 primary areas, which can be implemented only with the cooperation of the administration, structural units, staff, students, and public associations:

  • Educational process
  • Development and transfer of scientific achievements
  • Treating activities
  • Education

Within each of these areas, one can define particular goals and indicators allowing controlling their accomplishment. The list of indicators, criteria values, and designated dates of implementation are specified in the Roadmap of Strategy fulfillment and approved once per two years by the University’s Academic Council.

Educational Process

The conceptual area of educational activities is to ensure quality higher education for all students, and their competitive ability in the labor market, which will allow them to make a significant contribution to social development. Caring about comprehensive personal development and high-quality training for future professional activities, realizing our liability, and taking into account real social economic, and ecological challenges, we take the responsibility for training specialists capable of:

  • learning and acquiring contemporary knowledge;
  • generating new ideas;
  • thinking critically;
  • making reasonable decisions in professional activities;
  • acting in the face of insufficient information and contradictory demands;
  • motivating people and moving to the common goal.

We are striving to detect the talents of each person via standardized and interdisciplinary education programs. University achieves its goal by combining theoretical and practical training and constant interaction in the student-lecturer system, providing dual study transparency and consistency of specialty learning (Bachelor’s / Master’s / Ph.D. programs), and establishing and developing the informal education space, personal growth, and professional advancement of students.

University allows its students to have a creative approach to research activities by providing organic interaction between education and science, teaching theory and practice, and implementing scientific projects. Students have the ability to study with unique educational programs and have the possibility to draw up individual educational trajectories. The International European University, Malta Campus striving to the adoption of a new level of individualization for students via individual education plans with personal trajectories and opportunities to select programs of well-known international universities to obtain certificates of elective disciplines in cooperation with Prometheus, the Ministry for Education in Malta and international leading universities in Europe.

The University carries out its aims through such points of the strategy in the educational process development:

  • The motivation of students for self-education and advanced training based on innovative approaches
  • Giving students the possibility to select disciplines
  • Integrate educational programs into the global educational space by involving participants in the educational process in English medium of instruction
  • Efficient use of various modes of study, particularly online, distance, dual, mixed, inclusive soft skills certificates
  • Acquisition of unique integrated competencies

The International European University, Malta Campus goal is to provide development and constant advancement of educational programs according to the labor market demands. It strives to coordinate with stakeholders to adjust educational programs according to the labor market demands and approve the educational and professional programs for usage in autonomous structural units and the University.

The IEU, Malta Campus students have the opportunity to participate in Academic Mobility Programs at all stages of study. Students can get Double Degrees provided in cooperation with foreign universities with the aim of ensuring a high level of education quality, getting new knowledge and practical experiences after studying abroad, and developing the skills needed for performing future professional duties. Academic Mobility Programs are a great way to explore different cultures, get new experiences, and become acquainted with modern methods of teaching, technical equipment, and curriculums used at the most prominent IEU, Malta Campus partner university. The process of integration of digital technologies into the educational process is conducted with the use of public educational resources adapted to current educational programs and the development of the SMART UNIVERSITY digital platform.

The goal of constant professional growth and continuous learning is reached by taking part in Integrated Training Courses and Life-Long Learning programs. Quality conformance is assured by the elaboration of the internal system of higher education quality, complying with the state standards of education, and development of the internal system of higher education quality by adopting international standards.

Development and transfer of scientific achievements

Scientific achievements of the International European University, Malta Campus are developed through a rigorous and iterative process of scientific inquiry. Scientists conduct experiments, collect data, and analyze results to generate new knowledge and insights. Encouragement of research activities is conducted by increasing the annual amount of university personnel’s publications in journals indexed by Web of Science and Scopus platforms, creating scientific journals included in international databases, and supporting and encouraging scientific findings in publications indexed by recognized bibliographic and reviewing bases.

Treating Activities

The Clinic of International European University, Malta is a well-known healthcare center due to the high quality of delivering healthcare to the population by using cutting-edge technologies and involving globally recognized specialists. Clinical activities at the International European University, Malta Campus are aimed at improving the quality of human life and solving medical issues due to the extensive network of partner relationships and cooperation. Scientific research and cooperation agreements of the International European University, Malta Campus with global leaders in providing medical care and services result in the improvement of public health and quality of medical education.

The International European University, Malta Campus clinics deliver medical care to ensure a high level of patients, families, doctors, personnel, and community health. It was achieved after establishing the University Clinic, improving the quality of medical care, enhancement of patient health, providing integral patient-oriented aid, and focusing on the physical and mental welfare of people. Development of the quality of clinical aid is achieved by introducing approaches to the enhancement of the quality of our services, increased costs, and improvement of the level of professional preparation of University Clinic`s doctors.

The aim of treating activities at the International European Universities, Malta Campus is the constant advancement of patient safety, assurance of safe conditions for staff and environment, patient management for the improvement of their health, improvement of medical education, and discovering information available on the patient portal. The International European University, Malta Campus highly involves students in the development and provision of services, to increase the quality of medical service and get feedback for the advancement of Clinic Services.

The goal of providing an exclusive experience for each student is reached by achieving such goals:

  • Creation and development of students’ ability to think efficiently, interact with other people and community, as well as succeed personally and professionally;
  • Development and integration of comprehensive joint training and educational opportunities in the Clinic;
  • Development of learning principles aimed at making students well-educated and experienced specialists in chosen field;
  • Development and adoption of the system to allow students to record and render information about their learning activities and practical training;
  • Creation of program possibilities for improving leadership, public involvement, and professional success of students;
  • Ensuring exclusive programs and services allowing students to focus on academic and educational program achievements;
  • Improvement of the feedback system and corresponding communication strategy.

The goal of maximization efficiency using priorities of evidence-based decisions is reached by achieving such goals:

  • Comprehensive assessment of programs and services to define the efficiency of training programs, which will allow us to determine high-priority decisions regarding planning and financing, and possibilities for increasing the financial value, and affordability for students;
  • Approval of the assessment of programming, services, operations, and staff with University goals;
  • Inclusion of entrepreneurial and other innovative profit-generation ideas in budgetary decisions to reduce economic expenses for students;
  • Exploration of donor possibilities for programs, initiatives, and institutions for health centers;
  • Development of the list of potential future entrepreneurial ideas;
  • Focus on innovations, stability, and inclusiveness.

Improvement of public health and life is reached by efficient use of resources, making investment decisions according to the IEU, Malta Campus strategic priorities, developing commercial partner relationships, and utilizing our assets as much as possible with the assurance of the best results for patients. Better access to high-quality assistance, fair salary, and support for the health and welfare of our personnel are one of the main goals of treatment activities at the International European University, Malta Campus. Support of local communities and expansion of organizational possibilities to gain social affordability of high-quality services lead to the improvement of the health and welfare of communities and a decrease in the environmental impact.


Students of International European University, Malta Campus is highly experienced and well-educated individuals with wide career opportunities and bright future. International European University puts a person and their individuality first. Each member of the IEU community is an educated citizen. A dynamic system of higher education in Malta is open to changes, transformations, and corrections aimed at comprehensive and harmonious development, which implies essential cultural education, the revelation of talents in different sectors, and areas, self-actualization, and self-advancement, encouraging the comprehensive growth of students’ personality.

The principle of International European University, Malta Campus is the value-based unity reflected in similar positions and assessments of team members concerning the comprehensive development of people and harmonious education of personality and their ecological and mental interaction with the world within constant self-improvement and learning.

International European University, Malta Campus is a community educating harmoniously developed personalities. To reach this aim the International European University, Malta Campus needs to pursue the following strategy:

  • To build a dynamic system with a student-centered environment that will encourage comprehensive and harmonious personality development;
  • To develop a multi-language university culture using daily classes and communication in the Speaking Club;
  • To develop a mental, highly ethical, and moral culture;
  • To establish a unique and multi-purpose religious university space uniting students of different confessions;
  • To establish a modern scientific and spiritual center aimed at developing consciousness, worldview, safety, and self-protection.

As a result of the Development Strategy of the International European University, Malta Campus is:

  • 90% of students are proficient in at least two foreign languages;
  • Running events dedicated to national culture, national holidays, and cultural actions intended to develop respect for the culture, history, customs, and traditions of various nationalities;
  • Running a number of collaborative projects in local and/or international voluntary organizations;
  • Running a number of environmental programs and eco-projects;
  • Running number and diversity of groups, associations, workshops, and studios at the International European University, Malta Campus;
  • Running the number of International European University, Malta Campus radio waves and channels;
  • Running the number of additional classes aimed at self-advancement and self-development;
  • Creation of the football team of the International European University, Malta Campus.

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