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Sports and Health Complex

Sports and Health Complex

International European University, Malta Campus created all the necessary conditions for students’ rest and the enhancement of their cultural level. There are two assembly halls available for students’ services; educational events can also be organized and conducted there. The assembly halls are located within the International European University’s premises. At International European University, Malta Campus are sports halls for physical education, physical therapy, ergo therapy, sports sections, and competitions.

Sports Activities

A student’s life is very busy. International students in Malta have a lot to deal with in terms of assignments, practicals, exams, internships, workshops, lectures, and much more. Amidst the busy schedule, it is very important to take a break to refresh oneself. Extracurricular sports activities play a vital role in the educational process. Mentioned activities keep students positive, fresh, and energetic. The Campus has various student clubs and sports facilities to ensure International European University, Malta Campus has a comprehensive learning environment. Apart from physical strength, sport builds discipline, confidence, and team spirit. Sports not only contribute to shaping your personality but also impact your academic performance significantly.

The sports halls of International European University are fully equipped for training and sports competitions in basketball, volleyball, mini-football, big tennis, athletic gymnastics, table tennis, martial arts, and more. The halls have basketball boards, football gates, volleyball nets, nets for tennis and badminton, basketball, football, and volleyball, tables for table tennis, simulators, arboretums, bicycle ergometers, “Rehabilitation and Health” platforms, sports treads (horizontal and vertical thrust blocks for back muscles, linkage, horizontal exercise bike, thigh muscle trainer, Smith machine, chest machine, drive and pull muscle trainer, crossover, leg press trainer, professional dumbbells, disks, versatile wall, arm-wrestling table, barbell, dumbbell, drive to the bar, balls to develop hand, massage balls, stuffed, football, etc.).

The stadium of the International European University, Malta Campus Campus is partially equipped with a special rubber covering for football and volleyball games, treadmills, a long jump pit, pillars, and a volleyball court. The university highly encourages all exchange students pursuing an accredited Bachelor’s degree in Business in Malta to establish or join organizations, explore or further their interests, and promote a healthy and active lifestyle. The sports clubs available for international students in Conspicua include a football club, a sailing club, a wrestling club, and a swimming club.

Sport at International European University, Malta Campus is a great way of maintaining fitness and ensuring students are leading a healthy lifestyle. You can participate in individual recreational sports, or competitive sports with your fellow students. It is an easy way to motivate yourself to get fit and strong and conduct communication with your classmates. Students can not only get themselves into shape, but they can also make their bodies a little less susceptible to injuries and fatigue as well. An important part of the sport is knowing your limits as much as your weaknesses. There’s no shame in saying that enough is enough. Sport at International European University, Malta Campus gives you a chance to meet new people and discover new talents. Many university students say they learn more from their teammates than almost any other figure.

The Best Sport Facilities

Students of International European University can use the most up-to-date sports equipment during classes and after classes in case of an appointment. They can spend more time in the gym not only doing sports but also improving their health and being constantly supervised by professionals. All International European University, Malta Campus sports halls have medical specialists who will be able to assist in case needed. International European University’s sports infrastructure fully satisfies the University’s needs in the sports educational process and students’ needs in personal self-realization. Apart from excellent infrastructure, the International European University, Malta Campus has dedicated student support services to support the mental well-being of students. Sport is an essential part of a student’s life. It focuses not only on the physical fitness aspect but also teaches students various life lessons that help in building their personality and ensuring a disciplined and bright future.

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